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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bull market: too big to fail?

I enjoy doing these Business section covers for the LA Times as its a challenge to work in the vertical format, and I also enjoy seeing my work larger than the usual 8x10 (or smaller) magazine format. Yes, its pure vanity, but then I have always hypothesized that any artist's true motive is to be noticed. And we're getting off topic. Anyway, Derek's article dealt with how our current economic prosperity is based largely upon performance of the stock market.

Excerpt from Derek's email:

"Stocks' bull market: Too big to fail?
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke officially isn't supposed to worry about the stock market. But his hopes of keeping the economic recovery going may now depend in large part on whether he can keep the bull market going... So as stocks have faltered in recent days, Wall Street has begun to face up to two difficult questions: How great a danger do investors face of another bear market soon? And is there more that central banks can -- and would -- do to boost the chances of sustained longevity for the four-year-old bull market?"


Portraying economic prosperity based upon the bull market as horns based on bull's head.

What could happen if the market drops: dead bull. In hindsight, the arrow should be a crack in the skull.

Taking steps to protect the bull market.

Economic prosperity built on the back of a rearing bull market. Probably the worst bull drawing I've ever done.

Final art in context. Derek requested the horns from sketch #1 be incorporated into the image:
This assignment really got me thinking about what could happen in the coming years: Will we be "bailing out" large businesses, too?

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy the Day,


John W. Tomac said...

The fever line horns are a nice detail. Such a simple idea, yet I don't think I've seen it done before...and I've seen more than my fair share of illustrated bulls and bears

Chris Whetzel said...

Ha , thanks. I actually saw KTW use it after I did the illo, but before I posted it. Hope he doesn't think I copied him!

Unknown said...

i love this illustrator, the bull looks really strong and the concept is lovely

Chris Whetzel said...

Thanks, Raquel! When do we get to see some of your work on here ???