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Friday, April 30, 2010

TMI- Scott Brundage

So I hit the century mark on my Photobooth library and figured I should pay a lil tribute to the beautiful convenience of Mac's built-in webcam application. I recently learned I'm not entirely alone in exploiting this for reference sake, as my buddy, Marc Scheff, recently covered the same topic. And while I don't go to the extremes of posing and lighting as he does, Paolo Rivera dedicates his wednesday blogposts to showing how limber he is in his reference.

So, in the interest of solidarity, here is how I spend a good chunk of my average day... posing spastically, alone in a dark room.

I've learned a couple things about myself in the process.
-I rarely adjust the light for any of these pictures to relate to what I'm painting. This usually is more from deadline constraints than laziness, but I should probably give a little more thought to it.
-when I'm trying to get a single hand just right... I pose my entire torso and face.
-if its over 65 degrees, I tend to forego a shirt.
-my hair is ridiculous


Chris Whetzel said...

Scott, you need to get out more; you are so pasty.

Jason Raish said...

hahaha i used to set up a tripod and timer and lights but i got lazier and lazier so now i basically just use fotobooth with horrible lighting. glad to see there are others.

pw! said...

great artwork! great explorations! great process and ref! fun to see how you work the great work that you work

and a pasty Scott!?!? it's hard to imagine our once leather lifeguard is now so pale