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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to our newest member: Raquel Aparicio!

We're excited to have Raquel join our group from wherever she is currently located at the moment; she enjoys traveling to different countries while freelancing for book and editorial clients. Here are some of the images from her website.

 I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to seeing her future posts!

Enjoy the Day,


Unknown said...

Yeah! Raquel rocks! A truly unique and gorgeous approach to her work. Excited to see what she shares with us.

pw! said...

that stamp is incredible. can't wait to see more wonderful work. and welcome!

Jason Raish said...

Raquel, looking forward to seeing your new work!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot guys :)
I'll be posting tons of works next week!

Unknown said...

Wow! Beautiful work!