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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coffe Project Continued- Peter Wonsowski

Paper+Plastick's COFFEE PROJECT (featuring members of Less Than Jake & Rehasher) asked if i would do the art and layout for their second record, and what a compliment to be asked a second time!

they said they wanted "Peter Wonsowski meets Dr Seuss"; how great is that to hear?!? and of course i love that my job includes a morning reading 7 of my favorite Dr Seuss story books for, you know, "reference" (not to mention my trip to the book store a Tax Write Off !)

the following were rough thumbnail sketches, to determine what kind of perspective we wanted:

followed by some quick fleshing out before i dove into the exploration of the final:

and since many drawings would be of actual band members, guest musicians, friends, and such, i drew pages of quick caricatures to get decent stylized likenesses. Here's Jake:

and the first [el Greco] version of Keeth, their friend (and parade's pied piper)

the Final Art (type and layout still in progress) PLEASE CLICK FOR LARGER VIEWS !

i can't tell you how excited i was to do a complicated crowd scene. i wanted to make sure that there was always something fun look at, and i refused to oversimplify any bodies in the background. thankfully the divine format of a gatefold vinyl allows for 24"x12" to enjoy (so feel free to click for larger views!)

i'll let you know when it's available for purchase, especially on Coffee Project's tour this spring/summer !

1 comment:

Chris Whetzel said...

Hmmm, I feel like I know some of these people :)