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Friday, January 22, 2010

2009 Illo Wrap Up- Jason Raish

A full page illo for associations now magazine. Its about generation Y'ers having trouble being heard in the workplace

A bigger than a spot illo for the cover of the business section of American Medical News. Its about hospitals trying to make a connection with doctors.

A full page illo for the Milken Institute Review about how china is hording US dollars.

A kind of a half page illo for the Milken Institute Review about China vs. the US dollar.

A double page spread for "The Scientist" magazine this month I think. The story was about how vaccines are the next big money making thing for the pharmacutecal industry. Since this article was written, I see in the news that everybody is cancelling their H1N1 swine flu shots cuz its not really a problem anymore. This was ...the illustration that I finished and then went running and got hit by a taxi and woke up in the hospital not remembering anything and was freaked out to see that it was already done and that I was going to make the deadline after all.

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